Privacy Policy

Protecting your privacy is important to Idéacom (“Ideacom”). As part of our commitment to privacy protection, we have implemented this Privacy Policy, which explains our privacy practices, including those of our Website. We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time to better serve your needs. Notice of any changes will be provided on our Website and a copy of all amendments is on file at our offices. You can be sure that our Privacy Policy satisfies all of the requirements of applicable privacy law, including Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPED Act”). This Privacy Policy governs the way we manage your Personal Information. If you have any questions or concerns about your privacy, please contact us, using the contact information at the end of this policy. Whenever you provide us with Personal Information, whether in writing, over the telephone, or online, you will be referred to this Privacy Policy. If you have any questions on our Privacy Policy, please contact us at the address provided at the end of this Policy, and we would be pleased to respond to your concerns. It is important you read through this policy and be sure to get your parent(s)/guardian(s) to read and discuss it with you. By providing Idéacom with your information, you (and your parent(s)/guardian(s)) agree to the terms of this policy. If you (or your parent(s)/guardian(s)) do not agree with this policy, please do not supply any information. And don’t forget, you should always make sure you get the consent of your parent(s)/guardian(s) before giving any information or sending any materials to anyone, including Idéacom Inc, whether online, by post or in any other way.

What is “Personal Information”?

“Personal Information” is information about you as an individual. Examples include your name, mailing and e-mail addresses, age, birthday, telephone number, picture and voice recording. Your personal preferences, such as your favourite colour or flavour of ice cream, could also qualify as Personal Information if connected with other information that identifies you. This Privacy Policy describes the types of Personal Information that we collect, how we collect it, why we collect it and what we use it for. “Non-identifiable Information” is information that cannot be associated with, or traced back to, a specific person. Non-identifiable information includes: anonymous aggregated information, information about your visits to our Website which is not linked to you, information about your computer’s operating system and web browser software. Your computer and its operating systems, browsers, and memory contain vast quantities of transaction data and records of your use of it. This Personal Information could be gleaned from these systems by outsiders if you do not take steps to protect your system. It is our policy not to associate this information with customers, even though we verify some kinds of technical information to ensure that our Website is optimized to serve our users. When you interact with our Website, we may use a browser feature, known as a “cookie”, to verify non-identifiable information about visitors to our Website and measure visitor traffic patterns. A cookie is a small computer file. When you first visit our Website, the Website manager may have implemented a program that creates a small computer file stored on your computer’s hard drive. We ensure that the minimum information required is placed in the cookie only so that we can recognize returning Website visitors. The cookie does not contain Personal Information and we will not combine information in the cookie with Personal Information that would enable us to identify you individually. On subsequent visits to the Website, our server communicates with your computer, reads the cookie, recognizes and confirms that you are a returning visitor. Our server uses this information to provide you with a “short cut” that facilitates the quickest, most efficient and best possible Website experience. Most browser softwares allow you to delete cookies. You should consult your Internet Service Provider for information on how to delete cookies. This may interfere with our ability to personalize your experience at our Websites and be recognized, or may slow down performance.

Collection and Use of Personal Information

We collect Personal Information in the following circumstances and we do think that it is always a good idea for you and your parent(s)/guardian(s) to spend time online together for your safety and it may even be fun!

  • When you join a club or become a member through our Website, by regular mail or by using SMS text messaging;
  • When you enter a contest or other promotion through our Website, by regular mail or by using SMS text messaging;
  • When you subscribe to our e-mail newsletters and company updates;
  • When you respond to online questionnaires;
  • When you participate in interactive online activities (including games, chatrooms or bulletin boards);
  • When you shop online at our Website; or
  • When you contact us to make requests or comment on our services.

Idéacom strives to ensure that our Internet experiences for young people are safe and fun, and we urge parents and guardians to take an active role and explore where their children are roaming on the Internet. Idéacom may need to check that your parent(s)/guardian(s) are happy for you to provide any Personal Information. Where Idéacom does need to check with your parent(s)/guardian(s), it will ask you for your parent’s/guardian’s contact details (usually an email address or telephone number) so Idéacom can then contact them. Our Website may include links to third party websites. These third parties have separate and independent privacy policies. Any personal information you share with these third parties through their websites will be administered under their privacy policies. Idéacom has no control over third party privacy policies and therefore has no responsibility or liability for the manner in which third parties may collect, use or disclose and otherwise treat your personal information. In particular, here are some descriptions of our collection and use of Personal Information: (a) Clubs or Memberships: Our Website may offer you the opportunity to become a member or belong to a club, so that you can participate on a regular basis in games, bulletin boards, contests and other activities offered on our Website. We do collect Personal Information when you join in accordance with the following principles

  • We collect only the Personal Information necessary for the activities offered; and
  • Access to our activities is never conditional upon you providing more Personal Information than is necessary for such activities.
Disclosure of Personal Information

We will not disclose your Personal Information unless required by law. We must provide your Personal Information in response to a search warrant or other legally valid enquiry or order, or to an investigative body in the case of a breach of an agreement or contravention of law, or as otherwise required by law. We use your Personal Information for internal purposes only. We do not sell, rent or trade in Personal Information. We may transfer information to third parties who need such Personal Information to provide services on behalf of Idéacom Any such service providers are contractually bound to maintain the confidentiality of such transferred Personal Information and are prohibited from using the Personal Information for any other purpose. Your consent to our use of Personal Information can be withdrawn at any time by following the directions at the end of this policy. We will obtain your consent before using your Personal Information for any purpose other than these above. Once your Personal Information is no longer required for the purposes above, it will be deleted.

Security and Safeguards

We know how important privacy is to you. That is why we protect and safeguard your Personal Information. Our security policies govern the protection of the information on our information systems, the way we protect our Website from malicious attack, and the way in which we dispose of information no longer needed. We screen and train our employees carefully to ensure that they will always have the highest regard for you and your privacy, and we restrict access to your Personal Information to only those with a need to know. We make best efforts to keep our server(s) in a safe environment and protect our information technology infrastructure from abuse. Security on the Internet is a continuously evolving problem and we hire experts who keep up with the latest trends. If you receive any electronic communication which purports to be from a member of Idéacom that you have any questions or concerns about, please contact us. Spam, improper use, and pirating of domain names and email addresses is a growing problem. We appreciate hearing about incidents as it allows us to investigate them and provide you with the best customer service.

Changes To This Policy

Idéacom may change this policy from time to time and will post the latest version on ZENITH’s website. If Idéacom wishes to use your information in a way which is incompatible with the information in this policy, Idéacom will contact you (and your parent(s)/guardian(s)) to get your consent.

More Legal Information

(a) Idéacom will not be liable to you and/or your parent(s)/guardian(s) for any loss or damage however it was caused (including without limitation in contract, tort or statutory duty) in connection with this privacy policy and/or the collection and use of your information by Idéacom, other than death or personal injury caused by Idéacom’s (and/or its employees) negligence. (b) This policy is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Québec and the applicable laws of Canada and if there are any disputes the courts of the Province of Quebec shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

How to contact us with concerns, to opt out or to update your personal information?

We have tried to anticipate and meet all of your expectations with respect to the treatment of your Personal Information and the privacy of your online experience with us. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact us at the address below. This is the address to contact if you:

  • Have questions or concerns about our treatment of your Personal Information;
  • Wish to update or access your Personal Information;
  • Want to withdraw your consent to the collection and use of your Personal Information, or the Personal Information of your child if you are a parent or guardian; or
  • Wish to cancel a newsletter subscription.

Please contact: via e-mail or by mail at the following address:


202 – 3510, Bd St-Laurent

Montreal, Quebec H2X 2V2


Tel : 514 849-6966